Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The little blue pill

I started Estrace on Sunday September 22nd. I don't remember any harsh side effects last time and I was also taking Lupron injections at that time. This last week I have felt a little more fatigue, some nausea and slight headaches which I think may have happened last time too and are all known side effects of the pill. Progesterone shots start Thursday after the Ultrasound. I still am not a fan of needles but I am almost looking forward to the first shot since that means we will be close to transfer day!
People often ask "How can you do that?", referring to many parts of surrogacy. For me any of the pain doesn't really calculate into the situation. Obviously I would not just submit myself to all of this if there wasn't the possibility of such a wonderful outcome, but everything just blends together in this journey as one direction and you cant keep going in that direction without all the moving parts, one of which is a big ass needle in the back. So when I see the look of sympathy on the IP's faces knowing I am sticking myself daily, it is easy to brush off and say don't worry about it because to me, it is just another part of the process!
Each shot and pill is just a moment in the day. So you grin and bear it, knowing that the end goal is like a bright light overshadowing all the little things that are part of the journey.

Shirts are ordered for transfer day! I’m drinking as much water as I can to stay hydrated and make sure the medication is distributed as best as it can, take the stairs whenever I can at work to keep my blood flowing, and decreased caffeine to increase the ability to fluff up my uterus.
One week until transfer!

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