Our shirts arrived yesterday just in time. I slept great last night, no nerves, just this nice calm knowing we are finally at this point. Every ultrasound, every blood draw, every pill and injection has got us to this point of the best possibility of having these babies implant. Now we put our faith in the clinic that they will thaw the embyros out just right, to transfer one little girl and one little boy.
Patty and Shawn are flying in for the afternoon and I am so happy this worked out for us to all be there.
Let the adventure begin!!
UPDATE: BABIES ON BOARD! The transfer was a success and wonderful. The doctor seemed pleased with the embryos and where he placed them. Even though he gave us a scare when he was a little unfamiliar with the little tubes they were shipped to the clinic in and we thought he accidentally handed Patty the actual embryos. Good to know, he did not! The embryos were in the back, thawed and beautifully hatching on their own and ready for a ride.
Feeling: back side is a little sore from the injections but only when I sit quickly or my lovely daughter is playing around and smacks my back, almost dropping me to my knees. At least she could see the humor in the situation. The nausea that started after the estrace pills has pretty much gone away as well as the headaches and fatigue so we are going into the transfer almost symptom free!
Current weight: 169
Next appointment: October 18th at 9:15 for the 10 day blood work
...Estimated Due Date would be in June...

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