Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week 1 - rainbows and ladybugs

In one hour we it will be 24 hours since transfer, not that I'm counting.

However I could not help but to smile at the double rainbows I saw on the wall at work. I'll take that as a good sign. Patty said ladybugs landed on her when she was sitting outside the clinic right after the transfer. And when we were up in the clinic for the transfer there were SO MANY ladybugs in the window, like hundreds. And they ware crashing into the windows outside, with surprising force, like they just needed to get in on the joy, excitement, nerves and fear in the room.
I did a little Google search and found that ladybugs mean good luck and a sign to let go, let God, as well as to have faith and not have fear. Also, it's said if they are found inside, it means someone is pregnant nearby and can mean it's a girl. Um..... what?! Yes the information was on a blog (and we were in a fertility clinic) but I'm going to go with it, especially since I had a dream before we even did the transfer that there was at least one baby in there and that it was a girl.
So, since these babies will have a June due date I think I will refer to them as Junebugs!

Patty said that people who see the photos of us say we look like sisters. That reminded me of when I was a teenager and would go to this little nail salon in my hometown, the woman who did my nails would always ask about my sister. We had a bit of a language barrier so despite my numerous attempts to tell her I did not have a sister, I finally just went with it and said "she's good!" to which the woman responded "and how are her children". So maybe that nail artist was a bit of a premonitionsist (yes, I know that is not a word) and was asking about Patty's children.
So now we wait... blood test in 8 days and counting...

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