This time the clinic did not even request another ultrasound before transfer to confirm the fluid has gone away, which makes me think they are confident enough it will which means that the next time I see them will be on Transfer Day!
My mother told me her father's birthday is December 10th, his name was Edward so I have been lovingly referring to the little blastocyte as Eddie the Embyro, or the little embryo who could (hopefully!). I called my grandfather Nono and always thought it was so cool he met and married my grandmother who I called Nona, thinking how perfect it was that people with such similar names fell in love. As I grew up I realized their names were actually Edward and Marie and we only referred to them as Nono and Nona, which still makes me smile.
My grandfather passed away when my mom was pregnant with me, and she has told me numerous times over the years about the day they held his service at their home in San Francisco. She went upstairs into her parent's bedroom to lie on the bed and have some quiet from the friends and family gathered downstairs. She said she suddenly felt his presence so strongly that she thought she would see him sitting on the end of his bed next to her. He was a very loving and loyal man to his family and apparently has been with me in spirit since I was in utero so I am sending up a prayer for him to be with us throughout this journey and help little Eddie implant and grow!
Shots start again tonight and we have...
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