The beta was negative again. We were a little more prepared since I tested the previous morning, but it doesn't make it any easier. It was the last embryo, the last little boy, the last chance before more a lot more time/money/emotions/etc. will have to be exhausted.
A plan was discussed with the doctor and it looks like our next steps are to collect eggs to make more embryos. There is so much waiting involved in surrogacy, waiting for matches, contracts, cycles, ultrasounds, transfers, blood work, blood work, and more blood work! And now we move on to the next stage together where we will sit on the edge of seats waiting to see how many follicles, eggs, embryos and viable embryos will come to us to continue our journey.
It sounds like we may be looking at a potential late January-February transfer which would put a due date into late next year. My only concern through this was delivering in the winter in case we could not make it to the hospital. But at this point we are so determined to get through this with a baby or two on the other end, I am already prepping in my mind on weather tracking and staying at a friends house near the hospital if there is even the slightest hint of snow near delivery time!
I know we need to take this one step at a time, day by day, but we are all ready for a miracle so if this next year could bring us some miraculous days, that would be much appreciated.
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