Tuesday, December 17, 2019


One week since transfer, two days until blood work. Every time I feel even the slightest symptom, I lean into it praying I will get nauseas or my breasts will get sore (my tell). And each day that passes makes this transfer feel similar to the first. I feel more prepared this time, regardless of the outcome, knowing we will get through this together and keep going. When I mention in the surrogacy groups that I have not yet seen a second line on any pregnancy tests, women respond with hopeful stories of not seeing a line until six or seven days after transfer, one woman had negative tests up until her beta and was very surprised she was pregnant after assuming the transfer had failed.
I bought the cheapie tests, so if it was negative, I could say maybe they are wrong. I took a test just shy of 5 and 6 days post transfer, so if it was negative, I could say maybe it was too soon. But it is quite deflating to not see that second line by 6 days post transfer. Yes, I know that some people get a positive test after 6 days but from what I have seen if you don't see a line by 6 days, it can be telling about what the beta will reveal. I am preparing for this one to possibly be the same outcome as our first transfer and will be over the moon if little Eddie was just a slow grower and is in there multiplying cells as I type.
I believe Patty and Shawn want to create more embyros, which could give them back the possibility a girl or even twins. This thought also warms my heart. I can picture it in my head, nine months pregnant, lying in a hospital bed with Patty by my side, hand on the bump, talking to her little one(s) waiting for them to come out, smiling up at Shawn. I can see it, clearly. We just need to figure out a way to get there.

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