Wednesday, September 25, 2019

We have a transfer date!

Since the baseline ultrasound looked great, we have a tentative transfer date of October 8th!
This means our due date would technically be around June 25-27th depending if on if the babies are a 3 or 5 day blast  :-)
During the last pregnancy I delivered the twins at 35 weeks 4 days. Nice and healthy, almost 6 pounders! I delivered both my son and daughter 9 days earlier so I think it is safe to assume these babies will also come early.
Our kids get out of school in mid June and I think it would be great to have a week of recovery while they are in school sine life gets a little chaotic during the first few weeks of summer, so if all works out well, we will be able to meet those babies in the beginning of June.

Two weeks and counting!
Current Meds: Estrace pills 3xday
Next Appointment: Thursday October 3rd at 8:30 for an ultrasound and blood work

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Way to go Aunt Flo!

My period started Friday! I emailed our awesome nurse at the clinic to let her know and instantly got an email back saying she was out until Sunday. (AHH!) I had to laugh because it feels like every time we were ready to move to the next step, something comes up to slightly delay our momentum. Even though everything has worked out perfectly even with any delays, so I told myself to relax and everything will continue as needed. Then I got an email from our agency saying the clinic nurse happened to be there that day (luck me!) and told me to call the clinic and say she gave me permission to schedule the ultrasound on Sunday.
I called the clinic to inform them I was 'cycle day 1' and schedule the baseline ultrasound (which needs to happened 2 days after the period starts). They tried to schedule me for Monday but since I got permission we got scheduled for Sunday :-)

Things feel like they are moving right along now!
9/22 confirmed meds with the pharmacy and scheduled delivery.
9/21 Meds were delivered!
9/22 Baseline Ultrasound and blood work

Estrace pills (3xday) and Progesterone in Oil for the IM shots.

The view from the clinic. Fall will be gorgeous from up here!

Baseline Ultrasound looked great!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Signed, sealed and delivered.. to NRM!

Contracts were signed Tuesday, which fell on our 2 year wedding anniversary! Lots to celebrate!
Shortly after sending the final signed contract to our lawyer I got an email from Northeastern Reproductive Medicine (NRM) that they got the clearance to proceed.

The next step is to call NRM when I get my period to go in for the first baseline ultrasound and to pick up the meds they ordered. My period is supposed to come this week so the timing could not have been better. The last BC pill would have been Saturday but I continued until Monday to make sure it did not come before contracts were signed or we would have had to wait for my next cycle.
I have never looked forward to getting a period before and now I get excited for each cramp because it makes me hopeful that Aunt Flo is coming to visit meaning we can continue this journey smoothly and start meds soon!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The first two week wait...

Well, both our lawyers went on vacation for a week right when we got our medical and psych clearance! I guess that was to be expected right before school starts but my oh my that put a stop to our progress for a couple of weeks. Were on such a roll I thought we would be on track to sign those contracts, start meds and transfer in no time. Now it looks like we will be looking at a possible October transfer if we can get things moving.
Luckily they used a very similar contract as last time so we should not have to go back and forth too many times. There was not much for me to edit once I did receive the contract a week after the lawyers returned (the first two week wait...ahh!), and hopefully once the IPS and their lawyer approve it we can sign and get started with the medications.
I was looking over my med schedule from last time and I think I was on the estrace pills and Lupron shots for at least a month to fluff up my uterus, though I think since we are doing a frozen embryo transfer this time as opposed to the fresh embryo transfer last time, I was told I would not have to do the Lupron shot. The main question on my mind at this point is, if everything goes according to plan, how long is it expected to take for the meds to fluff up my uterus enough to transfer those babies!

I joined a group on Facebook for surrogates transferring soon, and I have read about some who had to rescheduled numerous time because they ovulated through the meds, their uterine lining was not thick enough or too thick, and other barriers that got in their way of transferring. I always assume that this will go smoothly and the issues will be minimal so I have refrained from reading any other surrogates experiences because they are putting so many situations in my head that I feel will not have to be a worry of ours! Though I think it will be helpful once we get started to have that additional level of support, right now I am going to stay focused on whatever the next step on our journey will be.

During the contract phase I believe that the surrogates and the IPS don't have much contact while the legal stuff is taken care which has been a little sad not taking with Patty and our check in texts. It will be a relief to see that final email come in asking us to sign those contracts so we can get this train moving faster again!

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant, with a girl. I was 39 weeks + 5 days, and someone asked when I was due and I started to panic when I realized I was 2 days away from 40 weeks and had not planned anything or asked for time off.
Clearly, I am a planner so that part of the dream is nonsense (hahaha) but I woke up with a smile on my face that the pregnancy dreams have already started and my body is ready to make some babies for our wonderful IPs <3

I have hit refresh on my phone's email app so many times it may start fighting back soon...