This weekend I had my IUD taken out and started birth control pills.
Thankfully there was no pain this time! It was a quick procedure that was over before I knew it and I didn't feel a thing. However there was some cramping, light headedness, and slight nausea for a couple of days, but nothing unexpected.
I did have an interesting conversation with my doctor, about how she had considered being a surrogate in the past. I am always interested in the stories I hear about other people's thoughts on and experiences with being a surrogate. Although surrogacy has become a very normal and expected thing in my life, I am always a little surprised to hear when others have considered becoming a surrogate. I just never realized how many people surrogacy touches.
I am very excited to have three other women I know doing a surrogacy in the near future as well, since the first time everything was so foreign and I relied a lot on my dear friend Google, and old surrogacy blogs to guide my way. I have really enjoyed talking with them through their own experiences with getting matched and what to expect. I am looking forward to this next surrogacy, not only because of the couple, but all the additional support!
My son keeps saying that I need to have a baby for someone, ever since we met the parents, which makes me excited for the kids support in this. September feels so far away, while also coming up quick!
Next step is to contact NRM to set up the appointment for medical clearance.
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